life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the number of moments that take our breath away. -anonymous.
last nite was amazing. me and some buddies went to see spida-man at the mall. it was packed. i don't think the movie was my favorite part. i think just being there with people i love. man alive. i don't think one thing went wrong (cept maybe that popcorn). i can honestly say, it was all good. all good..
it was so nice.. and cozy, and comfortable. smiley and cinnamon sugar coated. blissful and bright. chipper and changing. i felt really, really good..
the smiles. the pretzels. the water.
the hands, the fingers, the eyes.
oh, man. oh, man. oh, man. whoo whee..
i felt so hyped up, so strong, so.. senselessly included. welcomed.
it all fit. all interlaced. all worked. clockwork..
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